Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Is it possible to distinguish a True Christian鈩?from 1 of those other Christians without using an xray machine

Use ';divining'; rods... it works every time! lolIs it possible to distinguish a True Christian鈩?from 1 of those other Christians without using an xray machine
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Is it possible to distinguish a True Christian鈩?from 1 of those other Christians without using an xray machine
No, and you have to x-ray them for at least an hour to get any useful pictures ....

begin X-raying ...

still X-raying ...

X-raying some more ...

there, that oughta do the trick
you can also use a mri machine...
I swallowed a penny once


Jesus said ';by their fruit you will know them'; and the fruit of the Spirit is ';Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self-Control';

If a Christian consistently does not express these fruits over time and they are unrepentant, you can be sure they are not a ';true'; Christian.

But, beware - only God can judge another person's heart - you may not see the fruit of ';joy'; in that person's life, but you don't know what they've been through. Only God knows.
Always look for the official ';True Christian'; logo, your assurance that you're talking to an authentic ';Bible Believer'; and not a ';knock-off'; from one of those ';carnal churches';.
If it is not, I have wasted 46 years trying to think and listen and speak and see and love others like Christ does!
By their fruits. An imposter's fruits are ladden with maggots of scandals. A true christian's are pure.
Yes, put a sword to their throat and ask them to deny Jesus or die. The true Cristian will choose death since he loves Jesus more than life and he knows her will go directly to the arms of his Lord. dialog ... What?, you are threatening me with heaven? Ha Ha
Last time i checked using EMR didn't show any differences.

How about the witch test, we tie them and trow them to the river, if they float the devil is saving them(and should be promptly disposed of) and if they drown we send an apology to their families.
Tie their arms and legs behind their back and throw them off a building, the real christians will bounce.
Yes. The cross worn around the neck is visible on an x-ray, as is the copy of a Purpose Driven Life and the small-print Old Testament in the breast pocket.
Bait them with the statement God made Adam and Eve. If they respond with Not Adam and Steve you have your answer.
Don't they have a bar code on their hiney?

I think that's how God inventories them.
yes, put them on ';What's My Line'; Kitty Carlyle would sniff them out
yes... you will know a true Christian by the fruit (meaning deeds and behaviors they display) they produce... this does not however mean that a true Christian will not sin at all... however they will upon realizing their sin repent and turn away from that sin.
Actually, doesn't it say something in the Bible about them being able to be poisoned, yet it not having any effect? Something about being bitten by snakes, or some such?

Guess it's a question of who lines up to have a chat with Mr. Rattlesnake....
I still think they should wear name tags or something. It's just too damn confusing.
WHO CARES???? it does not matter. God will not not accept you if you are not a so called ';true christian';
My extremely witty answer has left the building.

Please hold.
Yep. You have to feel the bumps on their skull. It's pretty complicated.

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